From time to time, we want to give you an insight into our company. You are going to see how we work, what we are doing and what we are planning. We want to share our thoughts and motivation because we think that you are an important part of what Frequture actually is: A community of people who want to design the future of music!
First of all: Why “Frequture”?
Actually, we planned to name this project “Synthevis” (like the original YouTube channel which was the starting point). But this would cause problems, due to the fact that this name collides with other very similar international trade mark database entries. Ok, so we needed a new name.
Finding a name for a company is really more difficult than you might think. It may not collide with existing trade marks, it should not be even similar to them. But you don’t just want any name, I mean, your company is a part of you and you will grow with it.
What is the perfect name?
The name of a company should express the soul of its founders, everybody who is working for its success and of course the soul of the community who supports the project. After many hours of brain storming, we focussed on the key factors: music and modernization, or in other words
frequency + future = Frequture
This is why we pronounce it like
but we don’t mind if you say
or even
What about a slogan?
A slogan is more than just a marketing gag. It should be a compass to show the direction for everyone associated with the company. The key idea of the whole project will be summed up to a very short description. This is why “just better” or “the perfect solution” are bad slogans. They do not describe what makes a company different.
We want to bring music to a complete new level, to discover new possibilities compared to the ones from the 90ies, or 80ies, or 70ies… Consequently, our slogan is
21st century music