This software simulator shows you how a Waldorf Blofeld uses its modifiers in combination with modulation sources.


  • Simulate up to 4 modulation sources and 4 modifiers at once (all with different colors)
  • Marker for the current value for all modulation sources and modifiers
  • Adjustable zoom
  • Adjustable scale (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, Hertz)
  • LFO modulation source with all shapes from the Blofeld (sine, sawtooth, triangle, square, random, sample and hold)
  • LFO modulation source with all options from the Blofeld (fix phase, free phase, synchronization, global)
  • Constant modulation source with adjustable value
  • Envelope modulation source with adjustable attack, decay, sustain and release values
  • Modifiers with all operations from the Blofeld (plus, minus, maximum, minimum, multiplication, and, or, xor)
  • Modifiers with adjustable data sources
  • Real time signal player with adjustable simulation speed
  • Real time note/envelope trigger button
  • Calculation display with detailed explanation of all algorithms and realtime signal value scope

Link to the product presentation

What you get
You get a download of the simulator software for use on your computer.